17 June 2015

Liebster Award!!!

I'm so excited! I've been nominated for the Liebster Award!. Thank you so much M&M Bilingual for the nomination! I'd never thought I'd be one to receive this award but will gladly accept it! =)
This is such a wonderful button and I'm happy to add it to my blog. I've seen it on a few other blogs and had no clue how they received it. A week or 2 ago, M&M Bilingual nominated me and learned a great deal about it. The Liebster Award is given to new bloggers. It's a great way to get support and encourage others as they blog!
1. Why and how long ago did you start blogging?
I started blogging way back in 2013. I was pretty new to it at the time. I wanted to share my thoughts about education as well as a little bit about my store and myself. I heard it was a great for me to connect with other educators. This definitely proves it!
2. What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why?
Passion! I love what I do! Even though at the moment I don't have a classroom, I love education and helping others. Before blogging and my store, I just wanted to help students, but through my blogging journey, I came to love helping  students, teachers ,and educators alike.
3. Is there something you learned late in your blogging journey that you wished you knew before?
How to schedule posts. I would always just write a blog post and post it that same day. About a year ago I learned how to schedule posts and now I could schedule them ahead of time! Makes blogging a bit easier.
4. What is your favorite pastime other than blogging?
Besides making ppt games, playing video games (Hint hint - that's where the name came from!). I come from a family of gamers. We all love playing games. From board games to card games, computer games to video games, my family can't get enough of them. My recent obsession has been Minecraft. I find myself playing it quite often, mostly for the building aspect. Who doesn't love to build stuff!?
5. How many hours per week do you dedicate to your blog/TPT?
If it weren't for sleeping, eating, and my niece and nephews, practically every hour. Since TPT is my full-time job, I try my hardest to put in 40 hours each week. Being self-employed has it perks. =)

6. What category of blog posts do you enjoy the most?
I love blog hops about classroom ideas. It's great to go from one teacher/blogger to the next and get wonderful ideas that I can use in the classroom.
7. Where does your blog inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes my own experiences in the classroom as well as my day-to-day life. My youngest nephew is starting preschool this coming year and my oldest nephew will be in kindergarten this fall. They are also my inspiration!

 8. Which post that you've written are you most proud of?
My New Year's Resolution post. I had 3 goals this year ---> Blog more, get healthy, and finish projects. I'm happy to say I am definitely blogging more. I am trying hard to get healthy. I'm exercising more and eating better. I am finishing up projects that I started so I very proud that I am sticking to those goals.

9. Is there a post that you are planning to do but have been postponing it for a while?
I have 2 that I plan on doing. One I know will be done before I go to the TPT Conference. The other is a post about using PPT Games in a new way (besides the traditional way). Pictures are the only thing keeping me for doing it.

10. What is your favorite aspect of blogging?
The writing! I love to write so it's pretty natural for me to write a blog post. I've even written and published a book, not to mention notebooks full of fantasy and realistic stories I've written since high school.

11. Which idea from a blog would you like to try yourself?
Simply a blog hop! I've join several blog hops over the years and I want to try to do a blog hop of my own. The idea I have is very original and I think many will want to try it out. I love Jessica McClain's You Ought to know Blog hop. It's one of my favorites!
Here are some blogs that I follow and would love to nominate!
2. Cheryl from Techie Turtle Teacher
3. Mrs. McClain from Buzzing with Mrs. McClain
4. Kelly from Glitter in Third

Rules of the Liebster Award:
Link back to the blog that nominated you
Answer the 11 questions posted by the nominator
Nominate 5-11 blogs (with less than 200 followers) and link to them in your post
Contact the nominees and let them know they have been nominated

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