These are the games I am currently working on and will be out within the coming week. If there's a topic you'd like to see, feel free to leave a comment and I will try to create a game for you. If you need a custom game, check out my "Custom Game" Tab. Games dates in red will definitely be posted.

Games and Products coming out this week
6-15-2016 - Adding within 100 - Summer 
6-16-2016 - Even or Odd - Summer
6-17-2016 - Subtract within 5 - Summer

Bundles in the Works
Adding within 100 - Seasons
Even or Odd - Seasons
Subtract within 5 - Seasons

Custom Games (My #1 Priority)
Australian Money

Monthly Freebie
I release a new mini game freebie in my bi-weekly newsletter. When the month ends, the games are released later on in the year (About 3 or 4 months later).

Updated 6/13/2016 - 11:31 AM


  1. Can you make a comparing 3 digit number game, like this one . But can you have the numbers be in different forms? Some written, some expanded, some standard? Like 249 < 200+90+4 ?

    1. Surely! I work on it this weekend and have it ready for you by Monday or Tuesday!

  2. Hi, I am wondering when the mac versions of the games will be released? I recently bought the rounding hundreds and tens teacher vs. students and didn't realize it only worked on pc's. Thank you!! Love your product.

    1. I usually add the Mac version to all my new games. If there's a game that I've made in the past and it doesn't have a Mac version, let me know and I will make it for you. I did add the Mac version of the Rounding to the Nearest 10 or 100. You can re-download it. =)



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