16 July 2014

TPT Conference, Goals, and a Survery?

There are a few things I want to discuss with my followers. If you follow me on Facebook, you know why I've been posting sparingly. For everyone else, you'll find out why in a second.

So I tried to raise money through Fundly to go the TPT conference. That didn't work out as well as I hoped. Have no fear. I plan to start saving immediately to go next year. That means I am going to be working double time, making new products and changing some of the things I do with my store. 

Though I didn't go to TPT Conference, An Apple for the Teacher did and she has a great blog about all the sessions she attended. It almost feels like I went there myself. They're great tips. If you missed out, is the link to some of the sessions. They're posted on TPT (free).

Rest assured these notes are so good and An Apple for the Teacher explains it so well that even though her pictures were from the back, of the room it felt like she the presenter herself.

Looking at her notes, I generated new goals for myself:
  • Go to the TPT Conference next year!
  • Become a better Seller!
  • Create better products!

The reason I have not been posting as much is because a few days after my recent post, I had a seizure. It was a scary experience because I don't remember much. One moment I was talking with a dear friend visiting from out of town, the next I'm asking myself "Why am I on the floor?"

After being taken to the hospital, the doctors examined me and sent me home that same day with meds and to relax. I hoped it would never happen again.

So for the next few weeks, I was on bed rest until I could see the neurologist. Happy to say it has not happened again (and hoping it never will again). I am angry that I can not see a neurologist until August. We'll just have to hope and pray for the best. I do want to thank my loyal followers for sticking with me in this tough time!

With all that's been going on, I've been limiting myself to how much I work on TPT products, which is real nerve wrecking. I've been slowly getting back into working on games. I even came up with a new game type.

I do request your help. I made a short survey about my store. I want some feedback about how I am doing and any areas that need improvement. There are about 6 questions, most are your opinion.

When you're finished, there are directions on how you can get any product from my store (up to $5) for free just for taking it.

Thanks for sticking with me!
Class Dismissed!

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