issue has been arising in some of my games. The type-in scoreboard isn't
working. That bums me out! It's one of my favorite parts of my powerpoint
game. I came up with a new scoreboard that is more student-friendly and easier
to use!
With the touch scoreboard, all you have to do is simply touch (if you're using a Smartboard, Activboard, promethean board, or mimeo) or click (if you’re using a laptop and projector).
The scores will only go up so points cannot be taken away. This makes it great for student centers!
The touch scoreboard will be particularly useful for students vs. students games as you can let your students play my games without worrying about something happening to your laptop!
For future reference, the touch scoreboard will be the scoreboard used in all Mac games. I'm still working on type in scoreboards for Mac.
will be adding this feature to all my future products. Now, instead of 1 game,
you’ll get 2 games: a type-in scoreboard and a touch scoreboard. Over the summer and by request, I will be adding this update to past games!
Class Dismissed!
Class Dismissed!

I'm happy to see you put that option in. Thank you!